What Your Massage Therapist Wants You To Know: Intra-Oral Massage

What Your Massage Therapist Wants You To Know: Intra-Oral Massage

Did you know that some massage therapists are trained to work inside of your mouth? Much to the surprise of many, I am one of those therapists and I often work on the muscles inside of my clients’ mouths. This can be helpful for post-dental work recovery, TMJD, headaches and so much more.

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What Your Massage Therapist Wants You To Know: The Gluteal Group

What Your Massage Therapist Wants You To Know: The Gluteal Group

Your gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus are the muscles that make up your butt. Yep. I said it, they are the muscles that compose your rump and are collectively called the gluteal group. These are powerful, hard working muscular tissues that really need your massage therapist to work on them during your sessions. During your daily activities, any time you are moving your hip joint you are using these muscles to do so. They even help to stabilize your knees. They are always working when you are moving – they are powerhouses!

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What Your Massage Therapist Wants You To Know: Part Two

What Your Massage Therapist Wants You To Know: Part Two

Massage Therapists are interesting in help you feel better. Here’s how they can help make the massage table support you best during your massage therapy sessions: You are probably aware of the fact that your body is not like everyone else’s. We are all uniquely shaped and no one massage table is going to be comfortable for everyone. This is why smart and savvy massage therapists use bolsters, pillows, blankets and towels to cushion and support where needed. We can and are able to do this most effectively with your participation. If something doesn’t feel superbly comfortable, then tell us.

Here are some examples of ways we can make you more cozy on the table so that you can truly relax and melt into bliss:

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5 Things Your Massage Therapist Wants You To Know (Part 1)

5 Things Your Massage Therapist Wants You To Know (Part 1)

In my work as a massage therapist during the last decade, I’ve compiled a list of commonly asked questions and concerns expressed by my clients. Now that I am blogging, it seems fitting to share my answers with you here. What follows is the first part of a blog series where I empower you with information meant to help you experience the most from your massage and bodywork sessions. Knowledge is power and I’m sharing my expertise in massage therapy with you.

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Plastic Free Food Storage with Bee Wrap

Plastic Free Food Storage with Bee Wrap

Bee Wrap is a simple, reusable, compostable item that you can make fairly easily and quickly. Essentially you need fabric, bee’s wax, pine resin, jojoba oil and a few supplies you most likely already have at home.

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What is CranioSacral Therapy?

What is CranioSacral Therapy?

CranioSacral Therapy is a form of bodywork that focuses on the central nervous system.  Using light-touch, the therapist, evaluates the rhythm of the craniosacral system - the soft tissues and fluid that protect the brain and spinal cord.  Using pressure of no more than the weight of a nickle, the therapist's hands listen to the motion and rhythm of this central nervous system and gently influence it to come to a place of more balance and better health.

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What is Wellness?

What is Wellness?

Though many think of wellness as a word that references physical health, it is more accurately defined by a blend of spiritual, mental and physical health. Neglecting any of these areas leaves one vulnerable to un-wellness. Wellness comes from a balance and centering of our body through all the elements that make up good health. More literally, the art of wellness is created by maintaining proper diet, exercise, and habits.

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