How to Prepare for Insurance Billing:

MedPay (covered under most auto insurance plans) and a select few healthcare and HSA/FSA plans currently cover massage therapy. To find out if your health plan includes massage, and to set up billing, you must complete the following steps.

If you have not completed these steps at least 7 days before your massage appointment, you may have to pay out of pocket or cancel your appointment (late cancellation fee applies) until the following information is gathered.


Contact your insurance company and ask the following:

1) Is massage covered?

2) Are there certain circumstances under which massage is covered (like only for an injury or accident)?

3) If massage is covered, what type of practitioners can and cannot administer it (massage therapists, physical therapists, chiropractors, doctors of osteopathy, etc.)?

4) Is a prescription required?

5) Is there a limit on:

A) Length of each treatment
B) Number of treatments total
C) Number of treatments per week/month/year/claim/etc.
D) Total amount payable to the provider (provider being the massage therapist)


Fill out the following online form. Angela will will send you an email confirming that she received your inquiry and begin the process of researching your insurance benefits.  This process can take anywhere from 24 hours - a full week. 

CONFIDENTIALITY: This information will only be used to check your insurance benefits and will never be shared.